
COMPAGNIA PORTUALE BRINDISI (Start of investigation)


The Italian Competition Authority has begun a proceeding against Compagnia dei Lavoratori Portuali "N&S Briamo" in Brindisi to investigate alleged violation of Section 3 (abuses) of Law no. 287/90. The proceeding has been initiated, following a complaint of the National Committee of Harbour Users and Operators, which reunites the main associations of harbour companies, on behalf of the harbour company Brindisi - Imbarchi - Sbarchi (B.I.S.).

In compliance with law no. 84/94, which has reformed the national harbour legislation and has liberalised harbour activities, it is provided the presence of a residual and transitory monopoly in favour of the harbour companies, with regards to the supply to the authorized harbour operators, of labour to be hired or to be employed either in a temporary employment regime, or transfer regime. Given this provision, the harbour operators have to hire the labour supplied by the other harbour companies which, as such, hold a dominant position in the market of labour supply. Compagnia Portuale di Brindisi also works as an authorized harbour firm which competes with other rivals. On June 1995, B.I.S. won a public tender arranged by Enel for the handling of the coal and the cleaning of the coal-ships in the Brindisi harbour. Compagnia Portuale di Brindisi also participated to the same tender and offered a price higher than the one offered by B.I.S.

According to the complainant, Compagnia Portuale di Brindisi, subsequently to the tender, refused, on occasion, to supply the labour which B.I.S. requested and at other times supplied unskilled labour or imposed on B.I.S. the overstaffing. Finally, Compagnia Portuale di Brindisi invoiced B.I.S. for a quantity of services exceeding those strictly necessary. In this way, it is alleged that Compagnia Portuale's conduct damaged B.I.S.'s activity and violated Section 3 of the Competition Act.

The investigation is to be concluded by July 25th 1996.