



An investigation has begun into the Professional Associations of Physicians and Dentists

The Competition Authority has begun an investigation into the National Federation of Professional Associations of Physicians and Dentists, and the Ancona, Genoa, Novara, Florence and Como Provincial Associations of Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists.
The investigation is taking place as a result of a complaint lodged by a private health insurance scheme, Fondo Assistenza Sanitaria Dirigenti Aziende Commerciali (FASDAC), to ascertain whether the aforementioned associations have concluded agreements limiting competition, infringing section 2 (2) of the Competition and Restrictive Practices Act, Law  No. 287/90.
More specifically, the investigation will include an examination of a number of resolutions adopted by the National Federation of Physicians and Dentists and the Provincial Associations mentioned above prohibiting their members from negotiating directly with private health insurance schemes regarding the type, form of payment and level of fees for the healthcare services offered to the members of the private health insurance schemes. Furthermore, these resolutions oblige the physicians and dentists to conclude agreements only with those insurance schemes which are willing to enter into agreements with all interested professionals adopting the so-called 'open list' principle, without being able to make a choice based upon appraisal of the best price:quality ratio.
The possible infringement of section 2 of the Competition Act refers to two different cases. The first refers to the centralized setting of the contractual terms and conditions governing relations between individual physicians and the insurance schemes. The second case refers in general to the constraints placed on the range of medical services on offer because of the prohibition on establishing commercial relations with private healthcare schemes that will not adopt the 'open list' principle.
The investigation is to be completed by 30 September 2000.

Rome, 22 December 1999