
“I won’t bite!” Antitrust authority project for schools in collaboration with the ministry of education, universities and research



“I WON’T BITE!” Antitrust Authority project for schools in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.

1st Announcement of a national competition for primary and secondary state schools during academic years 2009-2010 and 2010-11.


During academic year 2009/2010, the Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research has started the national “I WON’T BITE” competition without placing any burden on the schools involved.  The project will involve pupils from the 4th year of primary schools, and also those from the 2nd year of lower secondary schools and those from the 4th year of higher secondary schools.
The project is part of an institutional activity for spreading the culture of competition and consumer protection, with the aim of offering young people greater knowledge of market mechanisms and a conscious education on consumption.
The Authority has made its officials available to those schools that request them; these officials will go into classes to explain about misleading advertising, incorrect behaviour, secret cartels, and company abuse, all of which harm citizens. Informative material, which serves as a basis for creating test papers that have to be taken in order to participate in the course, will be distributed to the students.
At the end of the training programme, a Committee of experts will award the best results with a prize plate.

Rome, 18th March 2010