
NTV SPA (Italo train)’s commitments accepted for more clear and transparent assistance and call centre services


Last November, the Italian Competition Authority (“ICA”) initiated proceedings against Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori Spa (“NTV”) for allegedly failing to respect consumer rights in relation to the management of telephone assistance on the purchase of train tickets (060708- Pronto Italo) and the acquisition of information and the exercise of post-sale rights/prerogatives (892020 - Italo Assistance).

At the end of the investigation, the ICA accepted the commitments proposed by Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori Spa, taking into account also the remarks formulated by the Italian Transport Regulation Authority in the opinion it rendered during the proceedings, and considered extraneous to the facts System House Srl, the company in charge of call centre services for NTV's customers.

For the benefit of customers with disabilities and/or reduced mobility, the Carrier will allow access to its telephone services without any surcharge.
For the benefit of all consumers, NTV has committed to ensuring the following:
a) complete and transparent information on the company website on all contact channels, whether free or paid, available for purchasing tickets and pre-/post-sales assistance;
b) an additional free complaint channel - through a special online form on the company’s website – including a system for tracking complaints during the thirty days established by current legislation;
c) automatic dispatch at the end of a ride, to all the passengers involved in the delay of a train, of an e-mail notice of the accrual of their right to compensation with indication of the credit due and the methods to collect it;
d) publication - for the continuous period of one month - of the text of the commitments on the corporate website within 5 days of the ICA’s notification of the acceptance provision.

Rome, 10 October 2017