
I850 - ICA: investigation launched into contracts for the establishment of FiberCop


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Telecom Italia, Fastweb, Teemo Bidco, FiberCop, Tiscali Italia and KKR & Co. under investigation. According to the Authority, developing fibre telecommunication networks is crucial for the country

Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato opened an investigation against the companies Telecom Italia S.p.A., Fastweb S.p.A., Teemo Bidco S.r.l., FiberCop S.p.A., Tiscali Italia S.p.A. and KKR & Co. Inc. The investigation regards the contracts governing the establishment and operation of FiberCop and the supply agreements with Fastweb and Tiscali.

Developing fibre telecommunication networks is a crucial objective for our country that can be achieved quickly only through sound and dynamic competition. In this context, the Authority - having recognised the possible efficiencies of shared infrastructure projects - launched an investigation to assess whether the agreements in question do not entail unnecessary competitive restrictions and provide adequate incentives for the divestiture of the old copper network technology.

The purpose of the proceedings is to verify that these agreements do not hinder competition between operators in the medium and long term and are aimed at ensuring the rapid modernisation of the country’s fixed telecommunication infrastructure. Already when the company FlashFiber was established, the Authority showed a profound awareness of the pro-competitive potential of co-investment projects, authorising the project with remedies ensuring the achievement of appreciable efficiencies, without compromising infrastructure competition between the various operators.

Rome, 21 December 2020