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PS11400 - ICA: ENI stops misleading advertising of ENI diesel+ fuel  


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ENI S.p.A. announced to have complied with the measure adopted on 20 December 2019,  with wich the Authority imposed a fine of € 5,000,000 and ordered it to stop disseminating misleading advertising messages regarding Eni Diesel+ fuel.

The disseminated messages  were considered misleading with regard to the positive environmental impact associated with the use of Eni Diesel+ fuel as well as the characteristics of this fuel, in terms of fuel economy and reductions in gas emissions.

Indeed, the Authority assessed that these messages were considered likely to mislead the consumers between the advertised EniDiesel+ product and its biodiesel HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) component, called “Green Diesel” by Eniand also to attribute environmental claims ascribed to “Green Diesel” to the product as a whole, despite some of those claims were then proved unfounded.

In addition to paying the fine, ENI S.p.A. stopped the dissemination of the promotional message regarding the Eni Diesel+ product, by removing at its filling stations all reference to Green Diesel and to the other claims deemed misleading.

Rome, 27 April 2020