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PS11710 - ICA: 2 million fine on Telepass group for unfair commercial practices


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The activity investigated concerns the distribution of motor liability insurance policies. According to the Authority, adequate information has not been provided on the processing of user data and on the methods and criteria for selecting quotes

The Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato has imposed a fine of 2 million euros on Telepass S.p.A. and Telepass Broker S.p.A. for a misleading commercial practice in the distribution of TPL Auto insurance policies through its App, towards customers holding Telepass Family and Telepass Viacard subscriptions.

The Authority found that the two companies shared information about their users with insurance companies and intermediaries - with whom they concluded policy distribution contracts - without having adequately informed them on the collection and use of their data, including for commercial purposes.

In particular, the information provided during the presentation of the service was limited to emphasizing the simplicity, speed and economic convenience of the procedure, but not that the data were used by Telepass for commercial purposes other than those for which they were collected, i.e. the quote.

Furthermore, Telepass customers did not receive clear information about the effective representativeness of the policy providers, as the companies limited themselves to reporting the partner logos on the app and website, without specifying that some of them were mere intermediaries who acted as agents of unidentified companies. According to the Authority, the companies had not even provided information about the criteria and parameters followed for the selection of the proposed quote, which would have been necessary for an informed choice by consumers.

Rome, 18 March 2021