
Italian Competition Authority: whistleblowing platform introduced


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Whistleblowers will be able to send information on anti-competitive conducts and on the people involved through a platform on the Authority's website, whilst remaining anonymous

The Italian Competition Authority, following the best practices of the European Commission and numerous national competition authorities, has introduced its own Whistleblowing platform on the website From now on, therefore, anyone in possession of confidential information on infringements of competition rules can interface with the investigation offices without having to reveal his/her identity.

The platform, through an encrypted system, guarantees whistleblowers who want to remain anonymous the possibility of establishing a direct line with the Authority by sending information about anti-competitive conduct, the circumstances that have produced it and the people involved. For example, it will be possible to report secret agreements on the prices of products, on the distribution of markets, or on boycotting of competitors.

With this tool, the Italian Competition Authority aims to increase the fight against secret cartels, which are increasingly difficult to discover, and to strengthen the fight against conducts that infringe the rules protecting competition by encouraging the collaboration of people who, also because of their proximity to the companies involved, do not want to reveal their identity.


Rome, 27 February 2023