PS12789 - Italian Competition Authority: investigation launched against Otis Servizi S.r.l. for possible unfair commercial practices

According to the Authority, Otis might have installed specific devices, essential for delivering supplementary services on lift systems, with a charge applied without prior explicit consent from some customers. Additionally, there might have been delays in installing new equipment and inadequacies in managing maintenance requests.
The Italian Competition Authority opened an investigation against Otis Servizi S.r.l. for possible aggressive conducts. More specifically, Otis might have installed specific devices, essential for delivering supplementary services on lift systems, with a charge applied without prior explicit consent from some customer groups (apartment blocks and micro-businesses). Furthermore, Otis Servizi may have failed to meet the deadlines for installing new equipment and may have been belated and insufficient in addressing intervention requests during breakdowns or 'modernisation' works.
Concerning the poor handling of service requests, customers seem to face challenges in contacting the service department and endure delays in receiving repairs, which occasionally do not rectify the problems. The delays in installing new equipment and the inadequate management of action requests may also affect users with reduced mobility, unjustifiably restricting their freedom of movement.
Yesterday, officials from the Authority, assisted by the Special Antitrust Unit of the Italian Financial Police (Guardia di Finanza), conducted inspections at several Otis Servizi S.r.l. locations.
Rome, 25 October 2024