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PS12794-PS12819 - Italian Competition Authority: green claims removed from electric vehicles websites and


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The websites of Campello S.p.A. and Microlino Italia S.r.l., which commercialize the XEV YOYO and Microlino urban electric vehicles, featured green claims that were generic and lacked details regarding the stage of the product life cycle they referred to.

The Italian Competition Authority has successfully concluded a moral suasion against the companies Campello S.p.A. and Microlino Italia S.r.l., which have removed profiles of possible unfairness on environmental claims and boasts - the so-called green claims - used in the sale of XEV YOYO and Microlino electric vehicles for urban mobility.

In particular, the websites and featured green claims regarding the vehicles' lack of emissions or impact on the environment, or the complete environmental sustainability of these vehicles, which were entirely generic and absolute (e.g. '100% sustainable', '100% Green', 'Zero emissions', 'Zero impact on the environment', 'ECO'). Moreover, they failed to specify which part or phase of the product's life cycle was being addressed (for instance, the production of the vehicle and batteries, distribution, usage, or disposal of the vehicle and batteries), while also considering that emissions linked to the electricity mix typically needed for battery recharging and car usage must be considered alongside other factors.

The companies, following the Authority's activity, removed the profiles of possible unfairness from the messages used to advertise the XEV YOYO and Microlino cars.

 Rome, 9 October 2024