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I873 - Italian Competition Authority: investigation launched into alleged cartel in the copper cable manufacturing sector


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The proceedings were initiated against the companies Bruno Baldassari, General Cavi, ICEL, IRCE, La Triveneta Cavi, Mondini Cavi, Pecso Cavi, Prysmian Cavi and Sistemi Italia and the AICE Association

The Italian Competition Authority has opened an investigation against Bruno Baldassari & F.lli S.p.A, General Cavi S.p.A., ICEL S.c.p.A., IRCE S.p.A., La Triveneta Cavi S.p.A., Mondini Cavi S.p.A., Pecso Cavi S.r.l, Prysmian Cavi e Sistemi Italia S.r.l. and Associazione Italiana Industrie Cavi e Conduttori Elettrici (AICE) for an alleged agreement restricting competition in the production and sale of low-voltage copper cables.

According to the Authority, the main copper cable producers operating in Italy, also at an associative level and with the help of AICE, allegedly coordinated by aligning, starting from 2005, the list prices and the amount of the initial discount to be applied to distributors. Furthermore, by the end of 2008, they would have established - in the context of AICE - a unified system to adjust prices in response to fluctuations in the cost of copper raw material (so-called “Sales System”).

The proceedings were initiated following the submission of a leniency application by a company, which disclosed the agreement to the Authority in order to receive a sanction benefit in return.

Yesterday, officials from the Authority, assisted by the Special Antitrust Unit of the Italian Financial Police (Guardia di Finanza), conducted inspections at the main offices of the parties, of two multi-brand copper cable distributors, and of the National Federation of Wholesale Distributors of Electrical Material - FME.

Rome, 12 December 2024