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PS12557 - Italian Competition Authority: Servizio Energetico Italiano fined 900,000 euro for unsolicited activations of electricity and gas supply


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Since July 2022, the company has concluded contracts and activated unsolicited supplies in the absence of subscription or consent by the consumer, also requesting the payment of undue fees

The Italian Competition Authority has fined Servizio Energetico Italiano 900,000 euro. The Italian Competition Authority’s investigation has in fact made it possible to ascertain that, since July 2022, the company has concluded contracts and activated unsolicited supplies in the absence of the subscription or consent by the consumer, moreover requesting the payment of undue fees, in violation of Articles 20 and 26(f) in conjunction with Article 66 quinquies of the Consumer Code.

Furthermore, Servizio Energetico Italiano in some cases did not send the contractual documentation or sent it late and imposed obstacles to exercising the right of cooling-off period, thus violating Articles 20, 24 and 25 of the Consumer Code.

This misconduct caused the failure, as a result of the unsolicited activation of electricity and gas contracts, to fulfill the obligation to guarantee consumers both the restoration of the contract with the previous supplier, and the right to remain indemnified in relation to any amounts invoiced.

Rome, 16 February 2024