Italian Competition Authority: presentation of the 2023 Italian Competition Authority Awards

The winners are the associations, ‘La Casa del Consumatore’ and ‘Finco’, the journalist, Mario Rossi, and the student, Claudia Palomba
The presentation of the 2023 Italian Competition Authority Awards, now in its fourth edition, took place yesterday afternoon in Rome. Established by the Italian Competition Authority, the award is aimed at special contributions for the promotion of the competition and consumer protection culture.
The award went to ‘La Casa del Consumatore’ for the consumer associations category, to ‘Finco’ for business associations, to the “Quattroruote” journalist, Mario Rossi, for his article entitled “Il grande rifiuto” (The great refusal), to the student, Claudia Palomba, author of the master’s thesis entitled “Killer acquisitions e controllo delle concentrazioni nel diritto dell’Unione europea: obiettivi e criticità dell’approccio della Commissione in materia di rinvii” (Killer acquisitions and merger control in European Union law: objectives and concerns of the Commission’s approach to referrals).
The awarding jury, appointed by the Authority, was composed of: Michele Ainis, honorary president of the Italian Competition Authority Award; Chiara Fumagalli, professor at Bocconi University; Ferruccio de Bortoli, columnist with the “Corriere della Sera”; Giulio Veltri, head of the legislative office at the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy; and Maria Bianca Farina, president of Ania.
Rome, 12 March 2024