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Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Italian Financial Police (Guardia di Finanza) and the Italian Competition Authority


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The Commander General of the Italian Financial Police, Gen. Andrea De Gennaro, and the Chairman of the Italian Competition Authority, Roberto Rustichelli, signed today the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding relating the collaboration of two institutions.

The agreement consolidates existing synergies and aims to ensure the overall effectiveness of competition and market protection measures.

The Special Antitrust Unit of the Italian Financial Police, a Special Department in the Corps, is responsible for carrying out investigations requested by the Authority, independently or with the support of the competent territorial departments.

The agreement also provides for data and news to be exchanged with the aim of making the pursuit of the respective institutional objectives more effective, while enhancing the specific actions of each institution.

In this sense, the memorandum constitutes a valuable tool for monitoring legality in the goods and services market and is proof of the commitment and efforts that the Italian Financial Police and the Authority have always ensured to protect competition and consumers.

Rome, 5 April 2024