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Italian Competition Authority: renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Transport Regulatory Authority


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The agreement rules various aspects of cooperation between the two institutions. For the implementation of the activities covered by the Memorandum, a Technical Table will be set up

On Monday 8th of July the President of the Italian Competition Authority (“AGCM”), Roberto Rustichelli, and the President of the Transport Regulatory Authority (“ART”), Nicola Zaccheo, renewed the Memorandum of Understanding at the ART’s headquarter in Rome, which rules various aspects of cooperation between the two institutions.

The AGCM and the ART exercise complementary functions relating to the development and maintenance of adequate levels of competition in the markets and the protection of consumers’ and users’ interests. This fusion of actions gives the opportunity to establish cooperative relationships in order to coordinate and make the execution of their respective institutional mandates more effective.

“I am delighted to renew this Memorandum today, which will allow our Authorities to strengthen and enhance the already existing active cooperation in the interest of businesses and consumers” commented President Rustichelli.

For the implementation of the activities covered by the Memorandum, a Technical Table will be established, composed of the heads of the competent offices in relation to the subject matters.


 Rome, 9 July 2024