DC11075 - The Italian Competition Authority secures changes to the Italian Football Federation’s rules on apprenticeship contracts for young professional football players

The Federation no longer allows football clubs to impose apprenticeship contracts on young professional football players without their express consent.
The Italian Competition Authority has successfully exerted its moral suasion on the Italian Football Federation (FIGC). With Official Communication no. 233/A of 31 May 2024, FIGC changed its Internal Organization Rules (NOIF) by bringing back a rule extending the term of contracts with young professional footballers beyond two years. Specifically, in addition to the two-year commitment period provided by applicable legislation, the communication allowed football clubs to enter into apprenticeship contracts lasting up to three years with their registered players without consulting them.
Following the remarks made by the Authority during a number of hearings with Professional Leagues, the Italian Football Club and FIGC, the latter agreed to change these rules. The new NOIF version was approved by the Federal Council on 30 January 2025 with Official Communication 159/A. It ensures that apprenticeship contracts with football clubs require the express consent of young professional footballers. Players who do not agree to the longer contract period are free to pursue their football careers elsewhere following the expiry of the two-year term provided by applicable legislation. The new provision will come into force on 1 July 2025; from then on, football clubs will no longer have the authority to unilaterally enforce the previous contract.
Rome, 14 February 2025