PS12704 - The Italian Competition Authority launches investigation into suspected unfair commercial practice by Poltronesofà

According to the Authority, the company failed to properly display prices and discounts advertised in its TV, radio, social media and internet promotional campaigns
The Italian Competition Authority has launched an investigation against Poltronesofà S.p.A. over a suspected unfair commercial practice. As a matter of fact, in its TV, radio, social media and internet promotional campaigns the company appears to have failed to properly display its advertised prices and discounts. In particular, in its recurring marketing campaigns, Poltronesofà is believed to have emphasised the existence and convenience of price reductions and discount rates – subject to time constraints (e.g. with the slogan “ending Sunday”) – calculated on the basis of much higher strike-out prices which are essentially never, or hardly ever, applied by the company. It therefore seems that Poltronesofà induced consumers to buy discounted sofas and make a purchasing decision they would not have otherwise made.
An inspection at Poltonesofà’s premises was carried out yesterday by the Authority’s officials, assisted by the Special Antitrust Unit of the Italian Financial Police (Guardia di Finanza).
Rome, 7 February 2025