A575 - The Italian Competition Authority launches investigation into suspected abuse of dominant position by Rfi and Fs

Access to the high-speed passenger transport market by new entrant SNCF Voyages Italia appears to have been slowed down, and in some cases hindered
The Italian Competition Authority has launched an investigation into Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A. and its parent company Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. for suspected abuse of dominant position, in breach of article 102 of the TFEU. According to the Authority, access to the national railway infrastructure and, as a consequence, entry into the high-speed passenger transport market by new player SNCF Voyages Italia S.r.l. appears to have been slowed down, and in some cases hindered. In its decision to open the proceedings, the Authority alleges that Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A. implemented an exclusionary strategy by engaging in various practices related to the allocation of infrastructure capacity.
The Authority’s officials, assisted by the Special Antitrust Unit of the Italian Financial Police (Guardia di Finanza), carried out inspections yesterday at the premises of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A., Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. as well as Trenitalia S.p.A. and Italo - Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori S.p.A., deemed to hold documents relevant to the investigation.
Rome, 21 March 2025