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PS12930 - The Italian Competition Authority launches investigation into unfair commercial practice by Eni Plenitude


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The investigation focuses on the methods adopted by the company to inform its users about the renewal of economic supply conditions. The Authority received many complaints from consumers between May and September 2024

The Italian Competition Authority has launched an investigation into Eni Plenitude S.p.A. Società Benefit over a suspected unfair commercial practice. The proceedings concern the methods adopted by the company to inform customers about the renewal of economic supply conditions and its failure to implement measures to handle undelivered communications.

Between May and September 2024 many consumers complained to the Authority, stating that their electricity and gas supply contracts were renewed with revised economic conditions without any prior notice from the company. As a matter of fact, it appears that Eni Plenitude renewed its economic supply conditions despite a significant number of undelivered communications, thus denying users their right of withdrawal.

An inspection at the premises of Eni Plenitude and its holding company Eni S.p.A. was carried out yesterday by the Authority’s officials, assisted by the Special Antitrust Unit of the Italian Financial Police (Guardia di Finanza).


Rome, 14 March 2025