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How the Authority takes decisions and make them public

For every case or complaint brought to its attention, the Chairman appoints one of the Members of the Authority as rapporteur. On the basis of the facts collected by the Directorate responsible for the enquiry, and after having heard the parties, the Authority takes the final decision. The Secretary General attends the meeting and drafts the minutes but does not participate in the decision.

The Authority weekly publishes on its official website a Bulletin that reports its decisions on agreements, abuses of dominant position, mergers and acquisitions, unfair practices, misleading and unlawful comparative advertising, as well as reports and fact-finding inquiries on economic sectors.

By March 31st of each year the Italian Competition Authority submits its Annual report on the previous year's activities to the Parliament. On that occasion, the Chairman exposes the policy adopted by the Authority which underlies its decisions. This Report is then published on its website.

The Authority also submits a semi-annual report to Parliament on the status of control and monitoring activities related to conflicts of interest.