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Code of conduct

From August 1995 the Authority adopted its own code of conduct which applies to all of the staff.

The Code forms an integral part of the employment contract and lays down instructions for standards of conduct among the staff toward the public. The staff must act with impartiality and confidentiality and behave irreproachably in its dealings with everyone involved in the course of their duties. The Code not only lays down general principles, but also establishes practical measures relating to a whole series of matters: conflict of interest ("employees shall refrain from taking part in adopting decisions or performing activities of the Authority which might, directly or indirectly, relate to their own financial or non-financial interests, or those of their relatives up to the fourth degree, or persons living with them"), and gifts ("the employees shall not accept, for themselves or for others, even on festive occasions, any gifts or other benefits with an economic value from anyone who is in any way affected by the work of the Authority, except for practical gifts of little value").